All in Wellness

Flowers are Not a Waste of Money - My Top 3 Reasons Why.

“Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” Hans Christian Anderson

Wise words from Hans Christian Anderson. Intuitively we know that flowers make us happy. Scientific research backs that up. Flowers boost our mood, brighten our environment, improve our sleep, decrease our anxiety, increase our productivity and…

Layers of Lavender

 Ahhhh……bedtime. The end of a long hectic day. Time to completely wind down and fall into a long deep sleep. You snuggle into bed and ‘ping’ your eyes are wide open. What happened? You’ve had a busy day, you’re tired out, you welcome sleep – but

Flowers - at the Heart of it!

The heart of The Floral Prescription is the restorative nature of flowers on our mental, physical and emotional well-being. Science proves that flowers make our lives happier and healthier. Up until now you may have thought of flowers as an indulgence, only for special occasions - but with all the positive benefits flowers have on our well-being, they should be thought of as