Mary Kelava



Flowers are Not a Waste of Money - My Top 3 Reasons Why.

Flowers are Not a Waste of Money - My Top 3 Reasons Why.

“Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” Hans Christian Anderson

Wise words from Hans Christian Anderson. Intuitively we know that flowers make us happy. Scientific research backs that up. Flowers boost our mood, brighten our environment, improve our sleep, decrease our anxiety, increase our productivity and strengthen our memory. Flowers make life happier and healthier.

Unfortunately, there are some people who think that flowers are a waste of money. The reason why? They think because flowers die, you shouldn’t spend your hard earned money on them. If you think about that, that reasoning doesn’t really make sense. You’ll spend money on a movie, but that experience is over in about two hours. You’ll pay to go out to dinner at a restaurant - again, over in a couple hours. You’ll pay for a bottle of wine, that you’ll drink, and a box of chocolates that you’ll eat, but neither of those last for long. I could go on and on with examples of how we spend money on things that don’t last. But instead, here are my top three reasons for why I think we should have flowers in our lives, and why they’re worth every penny we spend on them:

1 - Flowers spread joy: Flowers are instantly mood-boosting, brightening the day of whoever sees them. When I delivered flowers for my floral business, not one person receiving them ever responded with a frown. The added bonus is, giving flowers not only boosts the mood of the one receiving the flowers, but also the one giving them. So right there you’re doubling the value of your money. And the great thing is, this works just as well with a massive bouquet as it does with just a few stems, so you don’t have to spend big money to feel the positive benefits. 

2 - Flowers are suitable for every occasion: No need to waste time wondering what to get for a birthday or anniversary gift, or to thank someone for helping you out, or to congratulate someone for a job well done, or to send your condolences – flowers work for all these occasions. You don’t even have to think about it, flowers suit the occasion. Knowing this saves you time - and time is money, they say! So once again, your money is well spent.

3 – Flowers create lasting memories: Research shows that flowers, with their vibrant colours and fragrant scents, have the ability to recall memories more than other objects. In fact they have such an impact, they create a ‘memory picture’ of the day that is called upon again and again. So you give flowers one day – creating warm, happy feelings – and this moment is relived over and over, for years to come. So…pay for one gift, and that gift is enjoyed multiple times. That’s well worth your money.

If you’re one of the people who think that flowers are a waste of your hard-earned dollars, I hope you’ll now reconsider. Make someone’s day (and your own), better and brighter with the gift of flowers.

Up next on ‘The Floral Prescription’ - all the tips and tricks you need to give flowers the longest vase-life possible.

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