All in Colours

3 Reasons Why Pink Flowers Are So Popular

It’s time to once again visit our floral rainbow , this time focusing on the colour pink.

If I could choose only one colour flower to have for the rest of my life, without a doubt I would choose pink. And it turns out I’m not the only one who feels this way, as pink is one the most popular colour choices for fresh flowers. Here are three reasons why …

Purple Flowers

Having flowers in your environment enhances your surroundings. The colour of the flowers you choose plays a big role in what mood you create and what emotions you evoke. It’s time to explore the effect purple flowers can have on your day.

Purple is one of the most popular colour choices for flowers. Its shades range from …

A Love for True Blue Flowers

Our next step along the floral rainbow is the colour blue. Blue flowers benefit our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, by producing a calming effect that in turn slows down our metabolism and thoughts.

Only 10% of flowers come in the colour blue – that makes them …

Yes, There are Green Flowers

St. Patrick’s Day is almost upon us, so as we continue our way along the floral rainbow, it’s the perfect time to focus on the colour green.

In general when we think of a bouquet, we think of the ‘green’ element as the foliage surrounding the flowers. But there are many varieties of flowers available in shades of green, ranging from…

A Vase Full of Cheer

Flowers are an easy and affordable way to add a splash of colour to your life. Every colour conveys a meaning and an emotion. We’ve already talked about how red creates energy, and orange enthusiasm. The next colour we come to as we travel along the floral rainbow is…

The Sunbeams of the Floral World

The colour of flowers you choose plays a big role in what mood you create and what emotions you evoke. As we continue our way along the floral rainbow, we come to the colour orange. If red is the colour for energy, orange is the colour for

Energize with Red Flowers

I have a special memory of a specific type of red flower. Red carnations. When my husband and I had our first apartment, he would come home every week with half-a-dozen red carnations, put them in glass coke bottles, and place them all around the apartment. Nothing fancy -  single stems in recycled bottles - but that simple act created