Mary Kelava



Quick Tip for a Grocery Store Bouquet

Quick Tip for a Grocery Store Bouquet

When I started The Floral Prescription, I wondered how I was going to take all the information I have about ‘all things floral’ and organize it in a cohesive way. I decided the common theme in everything I’d learned was: flowers have a positive impact on our well-being.  Flowers boost our mood, brighten our environment, improve our sleep, increase our productivity, decrease our anxiety and strengthen our memory. So that became my focus – how flowers are good for our mental, physical and emotional health. Everything I share - whether it’s about a specific flower variety, how to cook with flowers, flowers for special occasions, floral travel locations, flowers in art, music and literature, or even a floral joke – is to show you how to use flowers to make your life happier and healthier. 

One of the best things about flowers is that little effort is required to reap their benefits. When you’re out-and-about during the day, pick up a bouquet, pop it into a vase, and you’ve instantly improved your environment.

But what if the only flowers you can get are one of those classic multi-coloured grocery store bouquets. Sometimes the look of those can be a bit jarring. My tip for that is to open up the bouquet and separate the stems. Put each one in a bud vase or small glass and then place them throughout the house. While the original bouquet may not have had much visual appeal, once spread out, each bloom is a beauty! Added bonus - for the cost of just one reasonably priced bouquet, you now have a flower in every room.

In the upcoming weeks and months, I’ll be sharing more tips on how to have flowers in your home and work place in an affordable way, as well as how to care for them to get the longest vase life possible. If you have any questions or feedback, or anything specific you would like to know about, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll get right back to you.

Five Things to Know About January's Flower

Five Things to Know About January's Flower

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!