Mary Kelava



Four Facts About Marigolds  - October's Birth Month Flower

Four Facts About Marigolds - October's Birth Month Flower


Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of October is the Marigold.

I’ve always thought of marigolds as those little flowering plants you put in your garden to keep the insects away – at least when I was growing up that’s what we used them for. I never once thought of them as a decorative flower. But I’ve learned a lot recently including the symbolism and meaning marigolds have and how they’re used in different cultural celebrations. Here are four interesting facts about marigolds - and one important lesson.

1 - If we look at marigolds in the language of flowers, traditionally they’ve had the rather negative meaning of despair and grief. Thankfully, over time that has changed. These brightly coloured little flower balls that look like rays of sunshine now symbolize optimism and success.

 2 - In Mexico, marigolds are one of the main flowers used during their ‘Day of the Dead’ celebration. This is when it’s believed the spirits of the dead visit the living. Marigolds adorn special alters and it’s believed their scent and bright colours attract and guide the souls to them. This is a happy occasion and the cheerful looking marigolds certainly help to create the right celebratory atmosphere. 

3 - In India, marigolds play a role in festivals and rituals. One of the special occasions they're used in is weddings. Couples getting married use garlands of vibrant marigolds to brighten up their wedding venue. And while great as a festive decoration, marigolds also have religious and devotional significance making them extra special and important. 

4 - Marigolds are edible. The petals can be used in sweet or savoury dishes and make a colourful garnish on a salad.

While researching ‘October’s birth month flower’, I learned a lot of new things, but there’s one thing I’m still not really sure about. Since marigolds are mostly a summer flower flourishing best in full sun, why are they the flower for the month of October? Whatever the reason is, I hope that if you have an October birthday you’ll take some joy from the fact that you have a bright, cheerful, and meaningful flower to represent you!

PS And if you know the answer to why marigolds are the flower for the month of October, please let us know in the comment section below.


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