Mary Kelava

Everything about flowers

Calm Down - How Flowers Can Help

Calm Down - How Flowers Can Help


Calm down! Sound familiar? In a busy and stressful life, I think we’ve all felt like there are times when we just need to calm down. The good news is, flowers can help us. 

Scientific studies prove flowers positively impact our well-being in many ways, and one of those ways is by creating a sense of calm and well-being. 

Simply seeing flowers can decrease your stress level

Most of us have ‘our special spot’ at home where we sit to unwind. One of the simplest and most effective things you can do with flowers to decrease anxiety and stress is place a floral arrangement within eyesight of where ‘your spot’ is. Then use those flowers as a place to rest your eyes. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you start to relax.

Try arranging your own flowers for another layer of stress-relief

When you’re arranging flowers your thought process shifts. You’re forced to slow down and connect with the present moment. You start focusing on the flowers and not on work or your busy day.

Don’t make flowers another chore on your to-do list

Keep it simple! A few blooms are all it takes to feel the calming effect of flowers.

Being surrounded by nature has long been known to be healthy for us. In nature we feel calm, stress slips away, and our anxiety eases. Having flowers in our home is a way to replicate that feeling. It’s time we all start to take advantage of the healing properties of flowers.

To note: When arranging flowers no special skills or tools, or any artistic flair is needed. You just need some flowers, some scissors, a container of water, and a few minutes of time. You’ll learn as you go and every time you’ll feel satisfied that you created something with your own hands.

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6 Floral Gift Ideas For Mother's Day

A Dozen Flowers Even Allergy Sufferers Can Enjoy

A Dozen Flowers Even Allergy Sufferers Can Enjoy